Consider the Following Possible Outcomes
You’ve made it to the middle of the morning, during which you’ve been stumbling around without coffee because you discovered that you’re completely out of it, and you’re now ready to go back to bed due to the massive headache that you’re experiencing.
You overdid it with the espresso shots in order to get ready for a meeting that could have easily been handled through email, and as a result, you’re suffering from a throbbing headache brought on by the surge of caffeine. Hello, and welcome to the life of having a headache first thing in the morning! A club that, in all honesty, no one would ever want to join!
Even if you’re somebody that suffers from headaches on a regular basis, your habit of making frequent trips to Vida E might be impacting more than just your bank account. It is a well-established fact that consuming either excessive or inadequate amounts of caffeine can dramatically exacerbate migraine symptoms. But the question remains: why do people even get headaches from the caffeine in the first place? Is there anything you can consume, drink, or focus on in your meditation that will stop them from occurring? Don’t be concerned; we’re about to provide guidance from professionals in the industry that will solve all of those queries and more.
What Exactly is a Caffeine Headache, and How Did You Get One?
When you get a headache, do you ever find yourself curious about what exactly is going on inside your skull? (You know, besides the excruciating pain and the overwhelming urge to curl up into a ball and stay there for days on end.) The Mayo Clinic suggests that there is a great deal of activity occurring in the background here: In its most basic form, a headache is brought on by an increase in the volume of blood that is flowing to the brain. Because of the increased blood flow, your nerves are being compressed, which results in that dreaded feeling of pain.
Because caffeine naturally constricts the capillaries in your body for a brief period of time, consuming the appropriate amount of coffee can sometimes help prevent headaches from occurring. This may sound contradictory, but it is true. Because of this, the blood vessels in your head are able to alleviate some of the pressure and blood flow that is being exerted on them. Because of this, caffeine is frequently found to be an active component in certain migraine relief medications, such as Excedrin.
“Caffeine can alleviate headaches by its painkiller, or relieving effects as well as by boosting the analgesic effects of aspirin, acetaminophen, and ibuprofen,” says Dr. Crystal. (Just so you know, migraines are characterized by mild to severe thumping headaches that are accompanied by throbbing, sensitivity to light, and nausea. These symptoms manifest themselves frequently and significantly disrupt a person’s day.)
On the other hand, there are times when consuming an excessive amount of caffeine can ultimately be detrimental to your health. According to Dr. Crystal, “caffeine withdrawal is renowned to be a trigger for a migraine and other headache varieties, and caffeine itself may trigger attacks.” Because your body becomes accustomed to a certain amount of caffeine, when you stop taking in as much of it, the blood flow rushes right into the brain, which can induce the dreaded pressure and discomfort. In other words, your body becomes dependent on caffeine. These headaches associated with withdrawal can continue for several weeks at a time (ouch!).
According to Dr. Crystal, it is also possible to get what is termed a “rebound headache” from excessive usage of medicine if your headache meds contain caffeine. This type of headache occurs when your body’s natural response to caffeine is exaggerated. “Caffeine is susceptible to reliance, and rebound headaches take place when you ingest too much caffeine and are then forced to go through withdrawal,” she describes. “Rebound headaches are worse than the original headache.” Continue scrolling for information on how to properly manage your consumption of coffee, tea, and energy drinks so that you can steer clear of those feared rebound headaches.
Methods for Getting Rid of a Headache Brought on by Caffeine
What should you do first in order to get some relief from that horrible caffeine headache?
Consume Copious Amounts of Water
According to Williams, your daily goal should be to drink the equivalent of half your body mass in liters of water. This is because dehydration, especially from drinking beverages containing caffeine, can make headaches nastier. According to Williams, another potential treatment for tension headaches is peppermint, which has been proven to reduce the severity of headaches caused by muscle tension. Peppermint tea is one option.
Furthermore, despite the fact that the hammering in your head might be making you feel a little queasy, you shouldn’t forget to eat because doing so will make your dehydration and headache drain much worse. “Eating during the day facilitates your adrenal glands and organic circadian rhythm,” adds Williams, mentioning that disparities in your sugar levels can make a headache worse.
Now, We Know What You’ve Been Thinking: is It Safe to Drink Your Routine Cup of Java if You’re Coming Off of a Migraine or Severe Headache?
Now, we know what you’ve been thinking: Is it safe to drink your routine cup of java if you’re coming off of a migraine or severe headache? After suffering from one of these excruciating headaches, you might think the best course of action would be to swear off coffee forever. However, doing so is not in your best interest. Williams recommends gradually decreasing the amount of caffeine you consume over time, weaning yourself off of it bit by bit so that your body has time to adjust to having decreasing amounts of caffeine in its system. According to Dr. Crystal, the enchanted amount that one should eventually strive to achieve is less than 200 mg of caffeine per day.
According to Dr. Crystal, if you suffer from re§gulag migraines, it is especially important to gradually cut back on the amount of caffeine you consume so that you can lower your overall dependency on the substance. In this manner, a small amount of caffeine can go a very long way, and it will be much more efficient at increasing the effects of your painkillers. A word of advice: regardless of how severe your headache is, you should never exceed the prescribed dose of your pain medication, particularly if those medications contain caffeine, as this will only induce your headache to become even worse.
Let’s Make It So That Things Like This Don’t Keep Happening, Shall We?
The most effective method for preventing your body from becoming dependent on caffeine would be to conserve as much of what is referred to as “natural energy” as you possibly can. Williams suggests that the following behaviors are unquestionably beneficial:
Ensure You Get Quality Sleep
Reduce the amount of blue light you are exposed to as you plan to unwind and try to avoid scrolling through TikTok at least a half-hour prior to your bedtime. Getting between seven and nine hours of uninterrupted sleep is easier to achieve when you limit the amount of light coming from electronic devices.
A Splash of Sunlight is a Great Way to Kick Off Your Day
To get off on the right foot when you first get up in the morning, there is nothing more effective than natural sunlight (although a sun lamp can be just as wonderful). You can also give yourself an energy boost by drinking 5 glasses of water daily and planning a short walk in the morning before turning on your computer. Walk as much as you can!
Take a break from thinking to rest your brain. Because stress is such a major contributor to headaches and migraines, you should begin practicing yoga, mindfulness, or breathing techniques as soon as possible to help you help regulate your anxiety levels during the day. Who needs to refuel with an expensive latte when you can refresh yourself with a complimentary meditation practice, are we right?