If you work in an office setting, it may feel as though you are in the final two kilometers of a very long race because the end of the year 2022 is drawing near. You don’t think you’ll be able to make it to the final corner, but you also know that you’ve already put in a lot of work, which is why you need to finish strong.
If you have any paid leave coming up, you may feel far more stressed to get as much done as you can because you’ll be able to take a break knowing that all is under control when you return. You could empty your inbox right now, and by the end of the day, you’ll have fifty emails that you haven’t read. It can feel like there’s always more work to be done, even when we get things done.
It’s possible that the race to the close of this year isn’t about accomplishing as much as you possibly can; rather, it should be about accomplishing as much as you can so that you have time to relax and rejuvenate before the beginning of the next year. Before we can begin anew, we must first put the previous year in the rearview mirror and put it behind us.
Here are a few suggestions you can try to start winding down at the close of a fast-paced year and setting yourself up for success in the coming year.
Know When to Call It Quits
You might be working on more than one project at the same time, and if you are completely truthful with yourself, you know that it will be impossible for you to finish all of those projects before the end of the year. Spend some time going over the projects that you are currently working on, and if necessary, sit down with your boss or the person in charge of the project to talk about the timelines. Discuss what can be carried over to the following year and what must be finished by the end of this one.
Because of this, some of the stress that comes from trying to finish things before the holidays will be relieved, and you won’t have to worry about missing any of the events you have scheduled in order to focus on any of those projects.
Fight the Temptation to Go Above and Beyond
It may be tempting to add one more piece of work or project to your plate, but you should make every effort to resist the temptation. Keep your attention on the tasks that are still outstanding, and negotiate any new concerns that arise. Because you are unable to finish everything this year, you should consult with your manager to determine what tasks are the most crucial to complete. It is very simple to exhaust oneself to the point where one spends the holidays ill or too exhausted to participate in any activities.
After a while, the years will begin to blend into a single, drawn-out year. Right now is the time to make your health and wellness a top priority. Saying “no” to new projects and setting a time to meet in the new year to assess the prerequisites and due dates of the project should be done once you have a clear understanding of the projects that need to be completed before the end of the year. This will assist you in getting started on getting some rest and recharging your batteries so that you can return to work feeling revitalized and ready to take on whatever challenges may be thrown your way.
Plan Some Time for “Me” Time
Although we all have packed agendas, we must remember to make time for ourselves. Set aside a few days in which you can focus on your own needs and interests. If you have children, we are aware that this may not be an easy task for you, but try to enlist the assistance of a babysitter or a member of your own family if at all possible.
Then proceed to treat yourself by pampering yourself for one, two, or even three days. Make sure that you schedule some time into your schedule for activities that you enjoy doing, whether that be reading your favorite book, taking a walk, or watching a marathon of Christmas movies. This will assist you in calming both your mind and body down and clearing your mind.
Get in Touch With Your Friends and Family
When life gets hectic, it’s difficult to get together with friends and family as frequently as you’d like to do so. You must plan some time to catch up with friends and family that you want to spend time with in the same way that you schedule time for “me” time for yourself. Be it getting together for coffee with old friends or spending the evening at home with an uncle you don’t get to see very often. As you begin to wind down, now is the time to plan for these days and make sure you have reservations for them.
It is simple to say that we will find a way to fit everything in, but the reality is that as soon as January arrives, we shift into work mode and important things get moved around to make room for demanding workloads and projects.
Declutter Your Space
There is a certain kind of magic that takes place when we get rid of items that we no longer require in our lives. The simple act of clearing out a space, such as your workstation, home office, or even your purse, can make you experience a sense of relief and accomplishment.
You should do this both at home and at the office. Consider how you would like the new year to begin, as well as whether or not there is anything in your personal space or place of work that doesn’t endorse the life and career you would like to create in the coming year. The last few weeks of the year are extremely hectic for everyone. However, the fact that we are all extremely busy does not mean that we have to put our physical and mental well-being at risk.
We are able to wind down from the flurry of activity that has occurred throughout the year and begin the new year feeling recharged and revitalized if we make sure to take a moment for ourselves, detach from our jobs, and make room in our lives for the things that we would like to bring into our lives.